


Major Erik Bamford joined the Norwegian Army in 1995 as an Infantry Officer Candidate. Upon graduating the Norwegian Military Academy in 2002, Bamford changed from Infantry to EW. Through his career Bamford have served in several operational EW postings within the Norwegian Army including EW Branch Head at the Army TRADOC. Major Bamford has actively represented Norway in several NATO EW forums, including NATO Team of Experts on ECM for RCIED and NATO EW Working Group. Major Bamford has several deployments in EW and EW related positions in both Afghanistan and Iraq. In 2013 Major Bamford assumed the position with the Royal Norwegian Air Force (RNoAF)/Norwegian EW Centre (NEWC) as SO EW – National Joint EW authority. Bamford currently co-chairs the Command and Control of EW sub-group within the NEWWG.

Information provided is current as of December 2019

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