


Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Chairman of PEGASUS

Professor Gustavo Alonso received a Master in aerospace engineering from Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) in 1990, an MBA from IESE in 1998 and a PhD in aerospace engineering from UPM in 2005. He is currently Professor at the School of Aerospace Engineering of UPM. He is the Programme Director of the microsatellite UPMSat-2. He is a Visiting Professor at several Universities in Europe, America and Asia, and a member of the Physical Sciences Working Group of the European Space Agency (ESA). He is currently Chairman of PEGASUS and member of the Standing Council of BRAIA (Belt and Road Aerospace Innovation Alliance). Before joining the University in 2005, he was working for ESA, Airbus and different engineering companies for 15 years.

Information provided is current as of September 2020

From the Author

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The space sector is strategic. It offers nations science and technology, industrial power, economic return and military power. Space is becoming more accessible. More countries now have the opportunity to use more or less sophisticated [...]

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