Lieutenant Colonel

Joshua W. 


NAEW&C Force Command

Lieutenant Colonel Joshua W. Conine is the Chief of the E-3A Strategic Requirements Division, Headquarters NATO Airborne Early Warning and Control, SHAPE, Belgium. He leads and manages multiple requirements processes for the NATO Alliance’s 17 E-3A/AWACS aircraft. As the branch chief, he is responsible for identifying critical E-3A capability shortfalls and pursuing material and non-material solutions to ensure future relevancy for future operations. Additionally, he coordinates E-3A participation in experimental exercises in which test initiatives are organized with acquisition and industrial partners. Lieutenant Colonel Conine was commissioned in 1995 through the Reserve Officer Training Corps at Texas Tech University. A Master Air Battle Manager with more than 2,400 hours in the E-3, Lieutenant Colonel Conine has flown in and supported numerous contingency operations including OPERATIONS NORTHERN WATCH, SOUTHERN WATCH, and ALLIED FORCE, ENDURING FREEDOM, and UNIFIED PROTECTOR.

Information provided is current as of September 2014

From the Author

Future Considerations of BMC2

BMC2 Must Be Both Horizontally and Vertically Integrated to Maximize Information Exchange and Fusion
By Lt Col 
Joshua W. 
Air Power is dependent on its ability to utilize speed, range, flexibility, precision, tempo and lethality in ­order to achieve successful effects at the strategic, oper­ational, and tactical levels of warfare. History has shown the [...]

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