Force Protection

Effective and resource-efficient Force Protection (FP) is so important because its presence might not contribute to the success of an operation; however, its absence will certainly contribute to failure. Therefore, assets should be designed to be resilient. FP support to NATO Logistics and the protection of physical aspects of the CIS architecture are vital to ensure sustainment and communications, including access to Space. We identified FP shortfalls and encouraged Nations to reinvest in this fundamental capability.

The JAPCC is contributing to joint, multi-domain FP capability development across NATO by emphasizing that it must be proactively incorporated into planning processes using a detailed understanding of the operational environment, the role and mission of the asset to be protected, and the threats. There can be no set ‘Minimum Military Requirement’ as requirements will be determined through task-specific analysis of the FP challenge.

Featured Publications

NATO Force Protection on a Knife Edge

A Think-Piece
By Wg Cdr 
Like previous Force Protection (FP) pieces published by the JAPCC, this work is designed to be a ‘Think-Piece’. Its purpose is to provoke debate with the deliberate intention of engaging and challenging colleagues in that [...]

Force Protection Considerations

By Wg Cdr 
Overview The subject of Counter-Unmanned Aircraft Systems (C-UAS) has become what can best be described as a ‘hot-topic’ not just for NATO, but globally. From a Force Protection (FP) perspective, it is offered, the primary [...]

Protection of Critical Infrastructure

By Lt Col 
By Mr 
By Mr 
By Mr 
The challenges in countering drones are faced in both war and peacetime. As discussed in the previous chapters of this book, the risks presented by drones have increasingly come into the civilian focus over recent [...]

Subject Matter Expert


Bjorn van der Linden

Subject Matter Expert 
Force Protection

Major Bjorn van der Linden is a Royal Netherlands Air Force (RNLAF) Force Protection practitioner with over 20 years of experience. After graduating as an officer in 2003, Maj van der Linden served, amongst others, as Deputy Head of Force Protection of the Dutch Defence Helicopter Command at Gilze-Rijen Airbase,...


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